Taylor Made manufactures the most rugged and complete line of navigational buoys in the United States. We have been meeting the stringent requirements of states, municipalities, and private harbors for many years. Our buoys are used in the toughest applications. Regulatory buoys feature rotationally molded high density polyethylene shells that are UV stabilized. The rotational molding process allows for uniform wall thickness without the internal stresses that cause cracking over time and under extreme temperature changes. This process imparts tremendous impact strength to the shell.

Regulatory Buoys

Warning: Cancer and Reproductive Harm-
Stock # | Description | Overall | Max. | Approx. |
950010 | Small Green Can | 23-1/2" | 13" | 40 lbs. |
950020 | Small Red Nun | 23-1/2" | 13" | 40 lbs. |
950280 | Large Red Nun | 48" | 24" | 235 lbs. |
950290 | Large Green Can | 48" | 24" | 235 lbs. |
950300 | Danger Can | 48" | 24" | 235 lbs. |
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